Session State in ASP.NET Core, .NET 5

This article describes some key steps needed to make use of Session state  on the ASP.NET Core platform.

Microsoft has a good article on Session and state management in ASP.NET Core. The Microsoft article covers wider issues beyond Session state and is a useful article to read.


To access the Session data in your code, you will need to use the following namespace.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

Storing data

The SessionExtensions class provides methods to store String and Int32.

// Storing a string
string someValue = "a value to store in session data";
HttpContext.Session.SetString("SomeKeyForString", someValue);

// Storing an int
int pageNumber = 10
HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("SomeKeyForInt", pageNumber);

There must be data that you are trying to store. If you pass a null value, there will be a build-time error.

If you want to store a complex type, such as your own object, then you will need to specifiy how that should be serialized. An article from Ben Cull provides an example for a JSON object, as part of a page with more details on Session Data in ASP.NET MVC.

Clearing the data

To clear the data, use the Remove method from ISession.



In order to access HttpContext in a Controller, there is a little setup. The following is a summary from the Session state part of the Microsoft article.

In ConfigureServices, add the following code as a starting point. This sets up the app to store Session data in memory on the machine that is running the application and it sets a default timeout for 30 minutes.


services.AddSession(options =>
    options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

Also, in the Configure method, add the following. I put it after app.UseAuthentication() and app.UseAuthorisation() setup and before app.UseEndpoints().


There are other ways to setup the options for Session data. See the Session options section of the Microsoft article for links to what you can configure.

Accessing State in a Razor view

If you want to access the Session data in a RazorView, e.g. Index.cshtml, you need to do a little setup.

Firstly, configure access to the HttpContextAccessor.  In Startup.cs, add the following to the ConfigureServices method.


Then, in the view, include the following at the top of the view.

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor

Finally, within the view, use the following to access a value:

Example data: 

Microsoft has an article about how to access HttpContext ASP.NET Core, which covers some other situations if you need access to HttpContext.